Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's HOT!!!

It's here!  The sizzling triple digits of summer!  I knew it was going to be miserably hot today when the a/c clicked on at about 8:30 AM!!  
Our oldest two grand children started Kindergarten today!  Such a big day!   Both of the kids had an orientation this week, with an hour in the classroom to help ease their first day jitters.  Here is Noah all ready to go to his orientation.
He was so into the posing!  I was cracking up!
With his Mommy and Daddy.
Today was his first official day of Kindergarten.  I snapped this just before we left.
And when I picked him up, he was all smiles!
One in front of the classroom.
I think I pressed my luck with this last one I took when we got to the car.
Noah goes to afternoon session and Hannah goes to morning. So after dropping Noah off, I went to Gennifer's to see how Hannah's first day went.  I had my camera all ready to take pictures of her, and hear about her day, but she didn't want to share.  She was tired and grouchy, so I had to leave without any pictures.  They all came over this afternoon though for a nice swim.   But I didn't take my camera out.
I had planned to clean house today while Noah was at school.  But with weather like this.....I changed my mind.
It is too hot to clean.  Too hot to cook.  Too hot to do much of anything!!!   But swim!!!
XO  Kris


priscilla said...

Such cute pics,looks like Noah is going to love school ! ! Love the chalkboard to pose with !

Unknown said...

What an adorable family! I love how you made the chalkboard setup...too cute! What a handsome young man. He will always remember this day...and cherish the photos!

Glad you just went swimming...totally the only thing you could do!!! ;)

Heather - The Good Life said...

Best wishes to your two grans starting school, a fun and exciting time. Hope the weather cools off for you soon. Heather

Holly said...

Such a big day! Enjoy the pool my friend.

Nicolle said...

I can definitely tell we are in the very long, lazy hot days of summer. The spark and excitement is starting to fade. Does that make any sense?! We swam yesterday and I was thinking about all of that as we were driving home.

Cute pictures of Noah, and I LOVE the chalkboard. When I was little we had half days of Kindergarten, but now here in Texas it's full days for the little ones. I'm not sure how I will handle it when Boyd is gone all day, next year. Gonna be hard on me!


Jill said...

Such a big day!! Love these pictures!! I have a couple weeks yet before my girls go back :-)

Have a great day and stay cool!!


~Niki~ said...

awww, those pics are precious. i remember when i put my kids in school for the first time. pics help to remember these great times.

Bethany said...

Awwww, kindergarten!!!!
And yes it is hot!!!! I'm ready for fall. After I get to the beach, of course. Must needs have that before it gets chilly again :)

Pam said...

Wow... school starts early there. My kids start on Sept. 4th! I am glad I still have a few weeks of time with them. It has been hot here too but I think it will be a little cooler today. :)

Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

A moment in time, are blessed!

Unknown said...

WOW, school starts early out there. But, you know the early birds get the brains. Amen on the weather. Pretty much been like that every day here this summer. Ready for Fall, like yesterday. Enjoy your day of nothing. Already did my hour on the treadmill, so I'm treating myself to a manny peddie this afternoon... Care on...

Meredith said...

Such sweet pictures of the first day of school. Boy it does not seem so long ago that my boys were heading off to "BIG" school as we used to call it. Enjoy the time you have to yourself during the afternoons.

Patty Marker said...

Lucky you. Take a dip for me. Kindergarten! Where does time go. Noah looks so cute...I mean so handsome.
btw...we found Andrew that train that he loved of Noah's at Travel Town last weekend. Thanks goodness! :)

~Sara said...

Oh how fun! Our oldest granddaughter starts kindergarten this year. Where does the time go??!! Try to stay cool! It is going to be 108 here today. Too much. Blessings~Sara

NanaNor's said...

Hi Kris, Noah is one handsome boy and I think you are all going to have to chase the girls away. I know what you mean with the heat-wish it was cooler inside(the air is set on 76 but not running); after a very long bike ride I'm kicking back the rest of the day.
Hugs, Noreen

Genn said...

Today walking to speech I said to Claire "it's hot" and she said "ats why we wim!" (that's why we swim.). Too funny

Lynne said...

Awww, Noah looks so cute. Love the chalkboard pose!
It's almost too hot for blogging. Almost.

Lauri said...

Here in Az it's even too hot to swim. I haven't been in my pool for a week.

Your grandkids are growing up!!

Carol said...

Love the chalkboard pics with first day of kinder 2012 on it. I'll have to keep this in mind to suggest to my son and daughter-in-law when my granddaughter starts kinder in 2014 ;)

We are having some hot weather here too, but not as hot as you are getting, thank goodness.

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Aww, what a cutie! I can't believe school has started already. My kids don't go back till Sept. 7th.

Have fun swimming! Xo ~Liz

Val said...

These are some adorable pics.

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Wow school is already in session there! It doesn't begin till after Labor Day in September here in NY. Your grandson looked so grown up and happy to begin school. I ahd to laugh at his hand over his face photo --my older grandson does the same to me and tells me "no more photos"!

Gracie Saylor said...

I am so glad you have a pool, Kris! When I lived in hotter locations I remember spending so many wonderful hours swimming.
Glad your grands survived their first day of kindergarten, even if they were a bit worn out. I can remember finding our youngest daughter sacked out on the floor sometime after coming home from kindergarten...=)
Gracie xxx

Just a little something from Judy said...

Your schools start earlier than ours on the East Coast. Two of our grandchildren start kindergarden together. Noah is so adorable!