Sunday, August 26, 2012

To The Lake

At 6:30 in the morning yesterday, I woke up to Greg saying, "Come on, we're going to the lake."   I think I moaned and rolled over, rubbing my swollen, sore eyes, suddenly remembering that the night before I had cried buckets, hence, the swollen eyes!!  We had taken Drew and his girlfriend Diana to dinner to talk about his plans for leaving next week to Nashville.  I knew it would be difficult.  I was trying so hard not to cry.  But the tears came anyway.  We did have a nice dinner.  We laughed some.  Shared a pitcher of beer, and talked of his plans.  I held it together as best I could, but when they said goodbye and went home, I couldn't stop the tears.  I took 2 Tylenol PM and went to bed.  When Greg was trying to coax me out of bed, I was in a bit of a fog.  But I got up, and went.
We had the most wonderful day.  I am so glad my husband knew what I needed most to do!  And it was not to sit at home and boo hoo over things I have no control over, and cannot change.
So within a few minutes, we were in the car and after a quick drive thru the Golden Arches, large coffee in hand, we were off.  Like a couple of care free teenagers!  No packed lunch, just a couple beverages and a two apples, and half a bag of Veggie Straws.  We were on the lake less than an hour and half later.
We picked up a six pack of Coors at the Marina, and then ambled on out to the boat.  Greg had some work to do on the  electrical wiring.  When we had the cushions redone, they messed up all of the wiring on the boat.  The lights and radio weren't working and he was bound and determined to get it all in working order again.
After uncovering the boat, we hopped aboard and got all settled in.  He with his tool chest, and me with my knitting.
Early in the day, it was warm and sunny and sitting back there on that comfy seat felt glorious.   After Greg got the wiring all fixed up, we pulled out of the marina and headed to our favorite spot on the lake by the dam.  He had me skipper the boat over to the buoy so that he could lean out and clip us on.  I guess I need a bit more practice!!!!  I may have over shot the darn thing a time or two!  Well, I couldn't see it, and I couldn't hear his directions over the newly fixed radio!!!  But soon we were hooked up and bobbing along on the water, enjoying the sights and sounds of this beautiful place.
We made a little light lunch of the snacks we brought, and before long, it was nap time.
If you can't beat em', join em', right?  That's me underneath the green beach towel.....sound asleep!  What is it about the gentle bobbing on  water that lulls you fast to sleep?  I think I needed it too.
 It was really a beautiful day on the lake!  Warm in the sunshine, but quite chilly in the shade, or on the water.
The afternoon slipped away and we had plans to go out for an evening cruise with our friends Ron and Sue, on their boat, so we headed back to the slip.
After we got back to the Marina, I saw this boat coming in with their Standard Poodle perched high and proud on the nose of the boat like a hood ornament!!!
We got our fishing poles, and met our friends two docks over, for our evening cruise.
Our captain, Ron.
First Mate, Sue.
Ron and Sue and I, all went to  high school together.  Ron lived near my family, and I knew him before I met Sue.   They married and moved to Corona, and we sort of lost touch for a couple of years.  Then Greg and I moved to Corona, and lo and behold, guess who lived a few doors down?  Ron and Sue!  Our children grew up together, and for that matter, so did we!  We love these two!!
Ron anchored in a good "fishing hole" and Sue opened up a bottle of wine for us, and the fellas had Cadillac Margaritas and wet their lines!
But first, we raised our glasses to good friends, good times, and Big Bear!!
Each of the guys hooked up.  Ron first, then Greg.  But they lost them.  Here they are talking about the big one's that got away.
The sun was beginning to set, and we were getting hungry, so we headed out to the other end of the lake to B's BBQ for dinner.  We saw this old Chris Craft on the lake.  My favorite boats!  I love these gems!!
We had a delicious dinner and sat outside, where the stars appeared overhead, and the sunset cast a beautiful glow over the lake.
We had a magical night time ride back to the dock.  Sue and I were saying how long it had been since we had done a night time ride.  It was so pretty.  Just us...the black sky, twinkling stars overhead, a 3/4 moon, the shimmering lake, and the soft glow of amber lights that dotted the shoreline, where folks were tucked up into their cabins for the night.  What a perfect day!  Thank you honey!  You knew just what I needed!!!!
XO  Kris


Between Me and You said...

What a beautiful post. So glad you shared. Soon your sad heart will feel better and you'll realise how necessary it was for your lovely boy to spread his wings and fly as all our children do/have/will, and as we ourselves did from our parents. The Circle of Life, my friend.
Have a good week. x

Sunny Simple Life said...

Change is so hard and especially when the kids decide to do something we don't want them to do. I am so glad you had such a good time. Oh you are making me want to go up there. I wish they had a Marriot as we have so many free points from Dean's travel at work.

my4lilgirls said...

So many beautiful photos
Glad you had a wonderful day & bless your dear hubby for knowing just what you needed
Lol Karen x

Genn said...

I smiled all the way through this post!!!!!
I'm glad you went. Dad did know just what you needed.
I love that picture of dad and Ron talking about the big ones that got away. Haha. Cute.

Sounded like a perfect day!

Unknown said...

Perfect place to just chill for the day. I so wish I could pop on board for a spin around the lake. Great weather for the weekend, it looks magnificent. Hang in there this week and remember to breathe.

Gracie Saylor said...

What a smart hubby you have! I am so glad you were able to enjoy a beautiful spot with good friends, Kris!
And thanks for sharing the day with us. The poodle
"on the hood" caused me to chuckle. And I am sitting here smiling at you...caring about your tears, but cheering you on to continue to enjoy your life as it unfolds.
Hugs from Gracie

Teresa Kasner said...

Oh my friend... hug hug hug.. pat pat.. pucker.. pout.. sigh.. wah. OK, we need to "man up" and give up on wishing they'd do what we want because they won't. Darn kids. Breaking our hearts. sigh. I have cried while lap swimming and filled up my goggles missing my granddaughters. But they've been gone a year and I will see them again in October. Can you imagine only seeing your granddaughters once a year or 2 or 3? SIGH. I'm here for ya. ((hugs)), Teresa

Meredith said...

Kris, I am so glad those swollen eyes got a chance to see all that beauty. What a wonderful husband you have to know that you are hurting and that a day on the water is just what you needed, you can still cry and you probably will. But he is only a plane ride away, I am coming to terms with that all myself. We are all here for you.
Sending you a big hug,

Gloria Baker said...

dear what nice and amazing hubby you have; im glad finally you had a nice day!::))

NanaNor's said...

Hi Kris, What a wonderful and thoughtful hubby you have!!!! This sounds like the perfect remedy for the blues; but I have to ask is Cadillac Margaritas just beer? Never heard that expression before. How wonderful that such good friends are so close; we sure miss our Ca. friends. Have a wonderful evening my friend.
Hugs, Noreen

Pammy Sue said...

What a fun day AND evening! I love being spontaneous like that, although we do a lot less of it nowadays.

You mentioned in your comment to me that you used to bake and decorate cakes...don't you remember that we talked way back then? I remember it well. How much your blog has progressed and grown since then! I love coming here to read about your day.

Tania said...

Sounds like Greg is a smart man and knew this was just what was needed. What a lovely time you had!


Susanne Tyree said...

I remember when my youngest was suffering from a love gone bad and spent a couple of days in bed, door shut and crying. I finally had had enough and told her she would NOT wither away in the bed the rest of her life and I made her sit with me at the kitchen table and work up some salt dough objects. Now I know this hardly compares to your situation, but is it not good to know that there is someone who loves you enough to pull you up and out of the doldrums. We all cope in our own way, no doubt your husband is worried too, so this was something you both needed. And how nice to have friends to share a day and evening with. There is still a silver lining in those clouds.
(((HUGS))) Susanne :)

Deb~in~Denver said...

What a sweet man Greg is! So glad you had a good time on the water. There is something SO soothing about the gentle movement of the water, so good for the soul. I'm keeping you and Drew in my prayers. Hugs to you.

From the Kitchen said...

Sounds like the perfect way to sooth your soul and have a little fun.


Traditions By The Seasons said...

Oh, Kris, BIG ((HUGS)). If I were there I would take you to lunch and we would do some SERIOUS retail therapy, ha! ;) I'm glad you were able to make the most of the day, thanks to your dear sweet hubby and good friends. It looks like y'all had a wonderful time, beautiful photos. Thinking of you! XOXO ~Liz

Just a little something from Judy said...

A perfect way to pass a day. I like that your husband took care to help you get your mind off your sadness. Good friends help too. Your pictures are so good!

mynestofyarnandbuttons said...

Oh Kris, I can feel your pain. It will past, but we moms will always have a lump in our throat's when it comes with our children, no matter what their age. I know too! Your husband did a lovely thing for you. I so happy you had a great day, a nice nap and fun with your life long friends. Those times are the best and friends like you have are few and far between. Like everyone has said, we are your friends too and are here in blog world for you. Take care, hugs and love for you, xoRobin❤

Carol said...

What a sweet hubby you have :) Love the photos of the lake and how nice to live so close that you can make a day trip out of heading up there.

priscilla said...

What a perfect day for you ! Beautiful pictures ! Glad you are staying busy ! Hope you do ok this week.. I will be thinking of you !

Dawn said...

What a wonderful day:) Your hair is getting long, and you have great legs girl!! I will be feeling the empty nest thing here soon, with kids all off to college and I know there will be a depression in sight:( I just don't know how I will get through it, but we will and life will go on and be grand.

byhooks4u said...

What a wonderful way to spend the day!!

Holly said...

So jealous over here, it looks wonderful! Hey, if you want to chat, give me a call, and know I'm always thinking about you.

Heather - The Good Life said...

Sounds like a wonderful day Kris and your hubby sounds like such a sweetheart. Take care, Heather

~Sara said...

Oh what a nice post! Beautiful scenery, fun times with good friends, thoughtful husbands .....the way life should be.
We have just become empty nesters. Our youngest is away at college and the feeling at home is kind od weird, although we are getting used to it and learning to enjoy it. I know it was so hard for me when our daughter moved to the opposite coast. Good luck with things, and thanks for sharing. Blessings~Sara

Nicolle said...

Gorgeous photos, and what a beautiful place that you guys have to escape to. I want to go there one day! I'm so glad you spent the day with your hubby, and some friends too. It looks so peaceful there, and I know you needed some time to clear your head, and just relax.

love ya friend!

Debbie Kay said...

Oh Kris, a much neede and well deserved day for the 2 of you. I love how spontaneous you are and you share all the sweet little details.



Petunia Pill said...

Ahhhhhhh, I feel like I just spent the day with you! What a fabulous post! Great photos! You're sooooo blessed to have such wonderful long time friends! They are few and far between, ya know?

Jill said...

Looks like a beautiful, relaxing day!! Thinking of you and your son and wishing him safe journeys! Big hugs!


Stan and Jody Gabara said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful day and your husband knew just what you wanted. Thinking good thoughts for your son and know you'll always be there for him. Thanks for stopping by with all your sweet comments. Your a wonderful blogging friend. Can't wait to hear more of your adventures. Awesome photos!


Linda @ Itsy Bits And Pieces said...

OH, Kris, I'm sorry you have been sad...I know this must be hard. The two of you taking off for the lake looked like a perfect way to feel better! Just have a new place to visit!

Pam said...

What a great husband you have! I am sorry your son is moving so far away... I am sure it's very hard for you! Spending the day on the lake with your love & good friends was just what you needed!

Patty Marker said...

It is all so beautiful, thanks for sharing. I can't even imagine needing to throw a towel over me to keep warm with this heat we have been having. No break in sight either, I hear. Try to stay cool. Patty

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

What a nice time you had with your friends, Kris! That's what life is all about.