I did something the other day that I have NEVER, EVER done before! I was channel surfing, and happened upon a demonstration being done on a sewing machine. That caught my attention, and I tuned in to watch. Turns out I was watching The Home Shopping Network. I don't ever watch the shopping channels, and I have certainly not ever purchased anything from them. But there I sat, watching. The more I watched, the more I was tempted. I phoned my husband, and told him that there was a fabulous deal on a sewing machine that I would love to have. He laughed, and brushed it off, but then I texted him said, "No, I'm serious. This is a great deal! Can I get it?" I had no business buying this. I have machines. Plural. But I do not, however, have a machine with all of these stitches. Nor features that I would love to have on a machine. I haven't had a new machine since I married, 35 years ago. I bought it at Sears, a Sears Kenmore straight stitch, for 99 dollars. I paid for it on time. 10 dollars a month. I used that machine until the motor blew up about 10 years ago. I have a very good Viking. It is 35 years old, and sews beautifully. I bought it from my sewing machine repair man, for 200 dollars, after my Kenmore blew up. tw But it lacks some stitches I would love to use. And I need a new quilting foot with an open toe, and a new walking foot. Those purchases alone, would be nearly half of what I could buy this new machine for. Greg said get it. So I did.
I pulled the trigger, and called the number on the screen. The cost was 199 dollars. It came with an additional package of accessories worth another 100. The shipping was free. It arrived the very next day! I couldn't believe it!! It is a Singer One. I priced it at Joann's the other day, where it was listed at 349.00. But that did not include the supplemental package with all of the extra feet and things that I got. It was a good deal indeed. I just wish it had needle down option for machine quilting on it. Oh well. I guess I can't have everything.
I opened it up and put it on the little table I have in the family room, so I could read about it and play with it, while Noah had his after school snack and watched his shows. I read the manual and learned how to thread it and wind a bobbin, and all of that. It has an automatic needle threader too, which is great for my old eyes!! I called my friend Jae, and she ran right over so we could ohhh and ahhhh over it together! I sent her home with my other Viking, and told her to go home and play with it. Hers is only a straight stitch machine. I took out my scraps and began to demo all of the stitches. This machine has a blanket stitch on it, which I like to do for applique, but I do it by hand. Woo-Hoo!!! Everything is touch screen, and so easy to change stitches. My Viking, although I love it, has cams that are inserted into the machine for stitch changes. This is simply a finger touch to change. I took these pumpkins out and practiced the blanket stitch with them. That does take practice going around curves and stopping and starting at corners! I need to work on that.
Jae and I ran to Joann's the next day and I got some fabric to do a table topper. I used the same self binding method as the flannel baby blankets I have made. What a great pattern that is. You get such nice sharp mitered corners. I thought I wanted to put it on the table in the family room. It has antique red trucks, and wagons, and red barns. It looks very Fallish.
But I don't think I will leave it there. I should have made it larger for that table. I think I will put it in the kitchen at the little deuce. It is smaller and looks better. I used the herringbone stitch, the one for smocking, to top stitch the topper down.
The back and binding is a pretty golden yellow. The corners are so crisp and nice with this method. You can see the fabric a little bit better in this shot. It is a Susan Winget print. 12 dollars a yard, but I used my coupon for 40% off
Although I do like the fabric, with red barns and trucks, I will be making another one soon, as I would get tired of this print looking at it every day. A little too busy for me. But a cute topper to use for a Fall day on the table from time to time.
I am in the process of reorganizing my sewing room to better serve me. I want to have my Hannah over for a little sewing lesson, and I want to get her set up at a smaller table to work at. I will take her to Joann's to select her own fabric, and help her to make a pillow case. She is excited and so am I!
I am eager to get going on several Fall projects I have to work on. What are you working on? Are you thinking about the holidays yet? I am!
I was with my Mom the other day at a few furniture stores. We were in Ethan Allen and I was aghast at how much the pillows were! I like to make pillows, and I have sold several for the holidays. I snapped some pics for ideas. This one was on sale........for 159 dollars! E Gads!!
The pillow was a very simple piece of linen with jumbo black ric rac, and piped edges. The pillow form was however, down. But I can duplicate this very easily, and for far less!
I liked this one too. I want to find an anchor applique and make a couple of these for my brother's boat.
Loved this one too.
Hey Patty, could we paint this on fabric????
I also wanted this chair. So pretty and feminine looking. However, quite a bit out of my price range. But oh so cute!
I have a few good thrift store finds to share with you for next time. Til then.........
XO Kris
Sorry, I'm still stuck back on $159 for a pillow with ric rac on it. Raiding my trim box and planning on what I'm doing with my riches as soon as I submit this :)
Kris congrats on the new machine. Your little fingers will be flying now trying out all of the new stitches. Lol.
I love your little pumpkins. Those are precious. I'm working on a few projects for my home. Fall is my favorite time of year. The smells,ball games food. Leaf peeping. I love it. Enjoy your new machine. Blessings, Becky
I felt your excitement through the computer screen! Congrats on the new sewing machine. Sounds like you are having fun learning and trying out all the gadgets. I have to say I got a little jealous when you said you called Jae and she ran right over. I was jealous that it wasn't ME!! Ha-ha. Like I could run right over there from Texas. Oh well. Can't wait to see your thrifty finds. You always find such good stuff.
Oh Kris I wish I could just run over and play with you and your new machine. My machine is a 36 year old Kenmore that I got for Christmas in 1978. It has straight, reverse and zig-zag stitches. I thought I was happy with it until I saw your post!!! Golly I wish I had seen that shopping show. But then, I have never watched one before so I guess there was no chance of that. :-)
I can't believe that price for a pillow with rick rack on it! Who PAYS that much? My goodness. I'm looking forward to seeing your thrift finds. Miss Piper and I just took two more boxes of "stuff" to the Goodwill this morning. If I want more I have to get rid of something don't you think?
Wouldn't it be nice to be neighbors? Oh the fun we would have together.
Good for you getting that sewing machine, you sew so much Kris you really do need a machine that works well for you. If you had texted me I would have told you to jump on it!!!!!! I had to let my Kenmore go earlier this summer, and after it was gone I did not feel bad at all. I love my new sewing machine, not to get the time to make something.
I'm so glad you treated yourself to the sewing machine. What fantastic stitches. I love to browse the EA stores. Good ideas there.
Just got home and read your post. Yes, we can definitely paint it and depending on the fabric you use, you may even be able to print it from your printer. Congratulation on your exciting purchase. You make me want to pull out my manuals and see what my machine will do!
Neat machine, how exciting. I love the colors red and yellow together and your table topper does look autumnal. We've had some hot humid days lately, but the mornings have been cool for this time of year. I'm looking forward to summer being over and the cool weather more of the norm. Enjoy your new machine. I'm looking forward to seeing all the wonderful things you make. Heather
Kris congrats by your sewing machine!
Im sure deserved and you alwsys sew amazing things.
Enjoy your new machine dear:)
You really did get an amazing deal on that sewing machine!!! Mine is over 40 years old and does well, but it would be lovely to have a newer one with the up to date features so I can totally understand why you were so excited to get this one. I hope that you love it and I look forward to seeing all your sewing projects! Love the table topper, as you say, just right for the change in seasons. xx
Congratulations on your new machine. Very nice of you to share your Viking with your friend. No telling what fun you two will have now.
I think with all the time you have spent laboring over planting your garden beds, weeding, harvesting and then canning and freezing that you more than deserve that sewing machine. I think you got a good deal. I would not have been so generous to give up the Viking though, it would have been a good back-up should the new machine need repair. I guess your friend will let you borrow it if you need to, lol. I have 2 sewing machines too, my first (I still have it) is a Kenmore with the cams. My hubby bought it for me on our first anniversary. I think he was more excited than I was cause he had already been playing around with it by the time I got home from work. My second is a White Jeans Machine which is suppose to be a heavy duty machine to sew your heavier fabrics. I use that one a lot, it has a dial to change stitches. I have a serger and have never used it. I need to get back into my sewing. Now you have given me the bug.
(((HUGS))) Susanne :)
Hi Kris.. I'm so happy that you got a brand new machine! You deserved it! I think it was meant to happen as you were flipping through channels, right? I look forward to seeing all you can do with it.
((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Hi Kris! I am soo happy to hear about your new machine! Sounds like such a fantastic deal! I have been hoping you would blog about it ever since I saw your pic of it on Instagram...Yes, it kills me what they want for pillows...ridiculous huh? You are going to have so much fun I know. I am starting in with holiday sewing just as soon as I finish up the civil war quilt which is almost done. ENJOY!!!
Congrats on your new sewing machine! Love that truck fabric !I am sure you will make many fabulous things with it !
I'm not a fancy sewer...
but, I bought a vintage Viking last summer...and LOVE it!
I also have an Elna, that does something or other kind of stitches with cams and stuff.
If I could get a chunk of time to sew, I'm sure I'd learn something new.
I bet you are loving your new sewing machine. I would love to learn to sew one day!
What a great purchase. Lucky you!
$159.00 for a pillow! Mercy! I am so glad you are so clever and practical, Kris. With your new machine I imagine you will make all sorts of wonderful projects and enjoy teaching Claire to sew, too. [You continue to inspire me :)] xx
ok that does it, we need a sewing day!
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