I finished another quilt that was made for a shop sample at my local quilt shop. I actually finished it a couple of weeks ago, and delivered it to the shop. The photos I took were all bad. The colors of the quilt are very muted, and it didn't photograph well outside. The photo the shop owners posted to their webpage shows it much better than any of the photos I took.
The pattern is available on Moda Bake Shop website for free. The shop in town, Sewn Together, is selling kits with all of the fabric needed to make this quilt. Diane, one of the shop owners did a beautiful job with her machine quilting on it.
There was a lot of point matching in this quilt. I do like it, but these are not the colors that I naturally gravitate towards. However, I think it is pretty, and very Spring/Summer like.
It was my intention to do a no bulk binding tutorial when I put the binding on this, but I completely forgot. I will do one soon.
This quilt went together much quicker than the first one I did. No applique on this one. Just piecing, lots of piecing. It has a nice scrappy look to it.
When it is displayed horizontally, the design in negative space, shows X's. When it is displayed vertically, the negative space shows more of a chain effect. Fun pattern.
If you are local to the Corona/Norco area, go to Sewn Together and check out this fun pattern.
Lots, lots, lots going on here. I am trying to get back into the swing of blogging. But it may be a bit.
XO Kris
3 hours ago
Beautiful, Kris! I love the colors and patterns! You are so talented!
Really pretty! I love this pattern. And I really love that shop. Just my kind of fabrics and the gals there are so nice. Hope you are having good weekend.
That is gorgeous, Kris! Bravo! You're becoming quite the quilt master! It won't be long until you are teaching classes and maybe even open your own shop! We went off to lunch by the sea in Depoe Bay just now and got some caramel corn! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
This is a very pretty design and I agree, the fabrics they selected make it very summery. You did a great job, Kris. I look forward to your binding tutorial.
Very pretty. I love the colors especially the aqua and orange together.
Your binding tutorial sounds interesting. I always love learning something new. It's fun making models for a quilt store and you did a great job.
You did a fantastic job on the quilt Kris, I love it and have to say I really like the fabric choices. You are so busy, not sure how you get it all done. Hope everything is okay.
Another fine finish, Kris! The pattern is fun to view...in any direction. Wishing you happy times in all your busyness. This week I planted some more fuchsias, and replanted two geraniums back in their window box after having them inside this winter. Spring! xxxxxxxxx
I'm amazed at how someone could choose a color pallet so well. It looks wonderful.
Kris, that quilt is so pretty! What a gift you have being able to piece so perfectly. I love the look of it no matter which direction. :-) Have fun experiencing spring and life in general. We'll be here when you get back. Have you been camping?
This is a very pretty quilt and I love it. The colors are great and I love your quilting. Do you have a quilting machine or do you quilt on a DSM?
Lovely quilt...love the colors. How do you find the time to finish a quilt that fast?
Your quilting talents amaze me Kris.
M-am căsătorit cu dragul meu soț în ultimii 12 ani fără să rămân însărcinată, iar fibromul a fost problema. Am luat diferite medicamente prescrise, dar nu am putut să le vindec, dar soțul meu era atât de încrezător în mine și mă tot încuraja că într-o zi cineva mă va numi mamă. nu s-a odihnit căutând o soluție de la diferiți medici, tot ce au putut vedea a fost o intervenție chirurgicală și mi-a fost frică de asta, o prietenă din cabinetul meu mi-a prezentat doctorul DAWN ACUNA, ea a spus că Dawn acuna a ajutat-o când avea tubul blocat și a ajutat-o și ea. multe dintre prietenele ei să conceapă,
I-am scris imediat pe Whatsapp, mi-a promis ca ma ajuta dupa ce i-am explicat totul, mi-a dat niste instructiuni care am facut totul perfect conform instructiunilor, la 3 saptamani dupa tot am fost la spital si doctorul mi-a confirmat sarcina in 1 saptamana dar chiar acum am copilul meu frumos.
*Dacă vrei să tratezi infertilitatea.
*Daca vrei sa ramai insarcinata rapid.
*Dacă vrei să-ți întorci iubitul.
*Dacă vrei o căsătorie pașnică.
*Dacă doriți să tratați boala canceroasă.
Și mulți alții îl contactează pe Dr dawn acuna pe Whatsapp:+2348032246310
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