It was already quite bright when I took these at 9:00 this morning. Perhaps the evening light would have been better. The front of the coop will be getting the morning light, but by about 10:00, will be well shaded. They will be allowed to go to their run for full shade though, first thing in the morning. But we are waiting for them to get a bit bigger before the run is built. The bucket that is in left of screen is placed there to divert water from hitting the coop when the irrigation is on.
We angled my old dilapidated swing to have full view of the coop, yet still remain in the shade of the big avocado trees.
I have had my breakfast out here for three days in a row.
This swing was past it's prime about 10 years ago. We had it in the backyard, and used it a lot. Anyway, instead of toss it out, I made a new seat for it by webbing old sheets in and out to form the seat base. Then just added some old cushions I had. I used quilted placemats as a soft spot for armrests. It doesn't need a cover, as it is fully shaded here. But from time to time, I do add a canopy to it, just for pretty. It has drink holders, and a basket to hold my yarn projects, or books, or a big bag of Skinny Pop. We use the HECK out of it!!!
This is the side of the coop. Three sides are fully enclosed from top to bottom, for protection.
This is the back view. See the little door at the bottom? This is where they can exit and enter, once the run is in place. I put the darling vintage sign that my friend Jane gave me, on the back. This was her Dad's when they raised chickens. He was a member of this Co Op.
I will be keeping the little brooder coop, as there are times when a chicken must be culled, for various reasons. Plus it is an additional place to seek shelter in the event of a hungry hawk flying overhead. The run will extend off of the back of the coop, and encompass all of this area under the shade and protection of several large trees.
Greg had the coop personalized for me too. He chose this name because, although I usually go by Kris, my given name is actually Kristin. I have been called Kristy all of my life by my family and friends since childhood. And my middle name is Diane, after my Mom. Hence the initial D. Which creates a play on words for both of the names I go by, Kris and Kristy, or Kris (D) . Pretty clever I thought. And I loved that he thought of that for me!!!
There are many special features on this coop! Starting with the feeding system. The system is designed to be able to be away for up to a week, without your hens needing additional food or water given. There is an exterior door just to the left of the entry door on the coop. This can be opened exposing only the space needed to fill the dry feed hopper. Also, a handy door to toss a handful of garden greens inside as well. This tube funnels down by gravity, into a space at the bottom, where it only dispenses as needed, for the hens to eat. There is a PVC cap, like a fence cap, that fits tightly down over the tube to keep is clean. The water system is also housed in a large PVC pipe. It can be filled from the outside of the coop, without even going inside at all. It holds several gallons, and is only dispensed by the action of the hens touching the red nipple feeders that are at the bottom of the pipe. Thus keeping the water clean at all times.
The water pipe is the one with an elbow facing upward to allow for easy filling. The cap fits tightly on pipe, keeping it totally clean.
Dry feed hopper is filled here, and then funnels slowly into a space for them to feed.
Below, you can see the hens standing on cinder blocks to reach the red nipple water dispensers. I sat inside the coop, taking each chick and holding her beak to the nozzle as water dripped from the spigot. They all took to it after I showed them They won't need the blocks to reach the water when they are full grown.
There is an attic, or loft space, with large door spanning the entire width of coop, to hold feed, hay, tools, and items needed to care for the hens. There are also two vent holes to keep air circulating. And there were insulation doors included, in the event of cold weather, for both this door, and other doors on coop. This is fully covered and enclosed to be kept clean. There is a hook and eye above door to hold open while in use.
Directly below attic space, and still sheltered from view and the elements are four night time roosting bars.
Along span of coop at the bottom, is a day time roost.
The two nest boxes are both accessible from the inside and the outside.
I thought the egg shaped cut out was pretty cute!
This may very well be, my favorite feature of all. Considering that my old coop was only about 4' tall, and I had to bend way over to the corner to retrieve eggs every day.
Even though, there will be no eggs to collect until late August or September, I am sure that each feature of this new coop will make chicken keeping so much more enjoyable! Greg really hit a homerun with this birthday present!!! I absolutely love it, and am tickled pink to be back in the chicken raising business! I hope you enjoyed the new coop tour!!!
Til next time....
XO Kris
Wow, I'm really impressed with your new coop! It's so well designed and beautiful! With the spaces between boards we could not have that one here as we have massive freezing winds blow in the winter, but for your weather it should work very well! I love the little attic and all. It's a beauty! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
Good for you!
That is some coop Kris! I have always wanted to have chickens. And although I probably never will be able to have them, I still find myself fascinated by all facets of taking care of them. I love how you explain each thing in detail. What a perfect home for your hens. Now we get to wait to collect the first egg! I think I will be as excited as you are.
Blessings, Betsy
The Waldorf Astoria of Chicken Coops. Just lovely. I love your garden pic in your header too. Lovely to 'see' you, Kris.
Kris D's Koop is as admirable as the ambitious and accomplished woman it is named after! Greg did a great job constructing it, and I appreciated learning about all its special features. The sitting area under the Avocado trees is lovely. [ We just had our first two days of 83F weather this year which has been wonderful!] Happy Birthday, Kris! xx
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