I have already harvested all of the cooler planted veg, like broccoli, and spinach, cilantro, potatoes.
Here we see the back garden, where a good deal of it has been harvested. I have planted some new seeds, but they are not yet poking through.
There are 5 raised beds here, and several other pots and containers, holding veggies. The corn got a late start, as all of the first seeds, did not come through. I have had a problem with Toe Hee's taking my seeds this year, and wound up with many a bare spot in my garden. The cabbage patch, although much smaller than I had wanted, is putting out some decent heads of cabbage.
I have a Japanese eggplant in the above box, as well as lettuce varieties, and a yellow squash and arugula.
The beets are just now coming in, and I have been roasting them, and enjoying them in salads, and on sandwiches. They are divine! The leafy beat tops are a favorite for the chickens!
The back garden is entirely fenced, due to the free ranging chickens. They would mow that garden down in nothing flat! We have repurposed our pool fencing, but will be putting something much prettier up next year, as I am planning to be on the garden tour for The Women's Assistance League next Spring.
In the pots sitting just outside the garden are Lavender, Thai basil, and Stevia.
The area just opposite the fence, which is actually to the front of the house, and directly across from our garage, I took over as more gardening space a couple of years ago, and it has given me double the space to play in the dirt with. We have a large property here, but it is heavily treed, and therefore shaded, so the only desirable area for veg gardening, is in this space. I wish it were in a more private area of the yard, but it is okay. And the soil has been beautifully amended now to yield me some great crops.
In above photo, you can see how I have rigged the hose. I built a tripod with bamboo stakes, and have them on either end of this patch. I can rest the nozzle of the hose into the top, and direct the water where I want it to go, leaving me hands free to do some weeding, and harvesting, while at the same time watering the patch.
My tomatoes are abundantly growing. I have 6 varieties planted. They are all loaded, but not ripening yet. Below, you see the sugar snap peas, and cucumbers. I am getting some nice cukes, and I eat the peas while I am out there working. Yum!
I have some tidy rows of carrots,and more cabbages coming up in the center where the birds have raped my garden, time and time again!
This rusted out bed spring is one that I dumpster dove for a few weeks ago. I thought it would make an excellent support, trellis, and backdrop for some flowers in my garden. I have planted a variety of flowers in front of it. I think it is going to be really pretty when it blooms!
I have more lettuce planted here, and a cantaloupe, a watermelon, Swiss chard, Kale, some onions, and a lovely butternut squash, which is loaded with little gems!
I have just recently put in my pumpkins. I have planted 3 varieties. Two of which, are Big Jacks. I am hoping for a good crop.
I have two huge clay pots that my brother gave me from a gas station tear down that his business did. He had to deliver them with a forklift, so I can't move them from this spot. They have been integrated into my garden as well. This is where I planted my potatoes earlier in the Spring. And now I have strawberries in one, and radishes, dill, jalapenos, and bell peppers in another.
The bale of straw is an experiment. I am hoping that the tendrils and shoots from the strawberry plants will attach to the bale and continue to set off more plants and berries. I have seen it done, but have not yet tried it.
That final hour of daylight is my favorite time in the garden. The hens come a waddling over for some fresh greens to peck at. The sun streaks through the orange grove in the most spectacular way.
As the sun slips over the horizon, the girls make their way back to the safety of their coop for the night.
This Silver Laced Wyandote is now broody! I need to get some fertile eggs this week for her to sit on.
This pretty little lady has just come off her broody spell. She was broody for about a month!
One by one, they make their way back to the coop. Greg has installed an automatic door to the back of the coop, so that now when we are away, they can be let out to the safety of their fenced run at sun up, and be closed back in at sundown.
The backyard is coming alive with blooms too. These nasturtiums are in their prime. I do shade them with garden umbrellas in extreme heat, as they tend to wither away and die if I don't.
This pot of zinnias is about to explode in color! I can't wait to see them bloom. It is one of my favorite cutting flowers! I have several pots of them planted around the pool and yard.
This little guy was having a sunbath in the last of the days sun.
I hope you enjoyed seeing a bit of what is growing in my garden. It is indeed, a passion of mine.
Happy growing!!!
XO Kris
Oh wow Chris! I have indeed missed your gardening posts. You amaze me with all that you get done. I wouldn’t even be able to keep all of those varieties of plants straight in my head, let alone care for them! Ha ha! Your garden area is just beautiful and I always enjoy seeing your “girls.” I hope you’re having a lovely day my friend.
Many blessings, Betsy
A delightful post! Your hard work is paying off tenfold:) Bravo! And the girls♥
I have always loved living vicariously in your prolific gardens, Kris! They are wonderful...that old washing machine!
love your garden
Hi Kris! I'm totally impressed with your large garden.. I loved getting a good tour of it. I'm also glad to see your chickens are doing well. Our new young hens are laying exceptionally well. Love them! We love our automatic door for the chickens to their run. Enjoy your garden, my friend! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)
My word Kris....you sure have a green thumb!
Not sure how you care for all that, but it is a beautiful thing!
I have 4 pots at the cottage! Tomatoes, beans and peas! Big deal,eh? Hahaha!
So glad you are blogging again...I did a post myself today!
Enjoy the rest of your week dear....
Linda :o)
The garden is wonderful. Having just moved back to southern California I'm getting readjusted to the heat and different growing schedule from Nor. Cal. mountains. One big help will be a drip irrigation system which we had installed in the growing beds just this past week, I'm super excited about this and the time and water it will save me. I may not get much of a garden in this year but we gardeners are nothing if not patient.
Kris your garden is amazing. Last year we relandscaped our yard and I have a little area for a garden. Our weather was a little crazy here and I was not prepared to plant anything. I am going to be on top of it next year. I have a herb garden that I love.
Hope you are having a great week.
I love witnessing the fruits of your labor in your garden, Kris, and always enjoy seeing your "girls," too! I have been buying Arugula for the base of my salads lately, and really like its peppery flavor. Today I did a bit more weeding and then planted some Petunias and Geraniums. Thanks for posting! xx
Well as always your gardening skills just amaze me. Sooo much variety! And the chicken coop is soo cute and the automatic door is brilliant! I have NEVER had a green thumb and all this gardening seems like sooo much WORK to me, but boy would I ever be a happy camper when it was time to eat all those goodies! Enjoy!
Thank you for the beautiful tour of your garden Kris. I know how much you love gardening and being with your girls. Enjoy!
Wow!! your garden is amazing!!!!
You always have such amazing gardens! Great to see you blogging again :-) Have a wonderful afternoon!
I can't believe all that you grow, but I see that you have the space. We have a postage stamp sized lot and all we've ever tried to grow is tomatoes.
I love the old washing machine blooming with flowers.
What part of Southern California are you in? We're in Ventura.
Wow Kris! What a fabulous garden you have there, thank you for showing us. Cant wait until our warmer weather gets here, it has been ever so cold this winter.
M-am căsătorit cu dragul meu soț în ultimii 12 ani fără să rămân însărcinată, iar fibromul a fost problema. Am luat diferite medicamente prescrise, dar nu am putut să le vindec, dar soțul meu era atât de încrezător în mine și mă tot încuraja că într-o zi cineva mă va numi mamă. nu s-a odihnit căutând o soluție de la diferiți medici, tot ce au putut vedea a fost o intervenție chirurgicală și mi-a fost frică de asta, o prietenă din cabinetul meu mi-a prezentat doctorul DAWN ACUNA, ea a spus că Dawn acuna a ajutat-o când avea tubul blocat și a ajutat-o și ea. multe dintre prietenele ei să conceapă,
I-am scris imediat pe Whatsapp, mi-a promis ca ma ajuta dupa ce i-am explicat totul, mi-a dat niste instructiuni care am facut totul perfect conform instructiunilor, la 3 saptamani dupa tot am fost la spital si doctorul mi-a confirmat sarcina in 1 saptamana dar chiar acum am copilul meu frumos.
*Dacă vrei să tratezi infertilitatea.
*Daca vrei sa ramai insarcinata rapid.
*Dacă vrei să-ți întorci iubitul.
*Dacă vrei o căsătorie pașnică.
*Dacă doriți să tratați boala canceroasă.
Și mulți alții îl contactează pe Dr dawn acuna pe Whatsapp:+2348032246310
E-mail: dawnacuna314@gmail.com
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