Sunday, May 7, 2017

How Does Your Garden Grow?

My gardens are coming along nicely now.  I have been harvesting lots of lettuce, arugula, spinach, green onions, cilantro, and herbs. 

The sugar snap peas are in bloom, and I am hoping to have lots of  those very soon.
 I have planted two varieties of beets, and they are getting close to harvest as well.
 The strawberries are yielding enough for me to munch on their sun ripened sweetness while I am out working in the garden.
I planted way  more yellow squash than we will ever consume.  And all of the plants are loaded with blooms and tiny veg.
The front garden is coming along too.  It was planted two weeks later than the back, so it is behind somewhat.  And, it isn't fenced from hungry rabbits either.  So my cabbage patch is only half the size of when it was planted, and so is the kale and sugar snap peas.

I planted both russets and sweet potatoes in the big pots out front. The sweet potatoes have taken off fast and furious. 
The russets only have one plant popping up. 
My yards are all in bloom, in both front and back.  The front is especially pretty this time of year.

 The swing in the front yard is the one from the cabin.  Many a good conversations have been had there.  And I shall always think of Nana.  She loved to sit in that swing at the cabin and wait for the lemon meringue pie to finish baking!!

Whenever I have a broken piece of pottery, or a dish I love, I tuck it down into one of my pots to continue to enjoy in the garden.

These photos were all so overexposed, it is hard to see the design on the dishes. 
Whenever I go to a garden center, I check out the clearance shelf.  Usually, these plants are need of nothing more than a good watering.  I have some beautiful hanging baskets that have been picked up for just a couple of dollars.

I think this is my favorite time for working in the gardens.  Things are at their prettiest, before the heat of the summer gets to them.  Today we are enjoying much cooler temps with scattered rain showers too.  I'll take as much as we can get. 
So, how does your garden grow?
XO Kris


Gracie Saylor said...

We have some pea plants that are about three inches tall, and some of the sweet pea flower shoots are about four inches and almost clinging to the trellis. I just planted some red geraniums in my window box this afternoon and filled three hanging baskets with a confetti flower mix of red white and blue, and a little peachy color too. I took two of the geranium plants out that I had wintered inside, and they will have pink blossoms eventually. I love seeing how your garden is thriving in the CA sunshine, Kris! We are back down in the 50s and 60s, but the sun is shining! Wishing you a happy week with enough time to enjoy swinging in the front and the back swings :) xx

Teresa Kasner said...

Ohh I'm so impressed with your garden, Kris!! How neat that you're already getting to eat some of your hard work! LOL! Our yard is looking better by the day as Kristi loves to garden. Today she took out all the geraniums and things that Dayle wintered over downstairs and plucked the dead stuff off of each one. Our son put together a trampoline for the boys and they were already enjoying it. Have a super week and I'm soooo glad you're back to blogging. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Betsy said...

Oh my goodness Kris! How exciting that you have so many things to eat in your garden already. That is just amazing to me. It's supposed to be 34° tonight here! I have not planted anything at home yet, except my rhubarb has been coming up and has been harvested once already. I love how you put dishes in your planets...that's such a cool idea. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful pictures with us today. Gives me hope that it may actually get warm and stay warm before too long.
Blessings, Betsy

La Table De Nana said...

You are way ahead of me! How wonderful to have all that there and coming along!!Kudos!

Holly said...

As always, everything looks amazing! Look at you , busy lady, with your garden, your knitting, your chickens. So good to see life is treating you right.

Bethany said...

There is nothing I love more than beautiful flowers, and yours are delightful!! I wish I was more of a gardener, but the heat gets to me too much. I'll just enjoy yours :)

Kerri said...

Everything looks so beautiful! I bet it's almost a full time job keeping up with it all....although what's the what you do and it doesn't feel at all like work. Around here we're not supposed to plant flowers until Mother's Day....we're usually safe from frost by then. So, that's usually what I spend part of my Mother's Day doing.

Linda said...

HI Kris...
So jealous of up your gardens...we are having a yucky Spring up here...rain rain rain...☔️☔️☔️
Love that you are gardening again...and those chickens! Hahaha!
Have a lovely evening...hope you are feeling better...
Linda :o)

Valerie Cottage Making Mommy said...

Do you know my needs just don't seem to want to make it. I harvested my first 9 sugar peas today and are every one of them sitting on the garden, lol.Your place looks beautiful.

Valerie Cottage Making Mommy said...


Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said...

Hi Kris, I love seeing you on Instagram, but had to hop over to see what you've been up to on your blog. Your garden is always fabulous!! I had to cover mine last night. We had a crazy frost warning. Radishes and lettuce can be harvested soon, but just planted tomatoes. Hubby is building me another grow box up by the shed. Hope he hurries! lol!

Connie said...

Kris, it's wonderful reading your blog again. The post is as usual filled with so many gorgeous pics. We don't garden because John wants to attract the wildlife and they would eat the harvest. Last year the visiting deer ate his tomatoes. Hugs!

Angela said...

Your garden is so pretty! Hope you will be back soon!

Susanne Tyree said...

Hey you! Hope all is well and you come back to blogging soon. I took a long break as well but now recently back. Love the pictures of your garden...I'm convinced more than ever that you have a green thumb.
Susanne :)

Unknown said...

Hi there! I'm at work surfing around your blog from my new apple iphone! Just wanted to say I love reading your blog and look forward to all your posts! Keep up the excellent work!bloom tattoos

Between Me and You said...

Hey Kris. Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year and hope that things are ok with you and yours. Best Wishes for 2018.x

corners of my life said...

I hav e loved those baskets on your front door from the moment I discovered your blog {so long ago}.

Janeb said...

M-am căsătorit cu dragul meu soț în ultimii 12 ani fără să rămân însărcinată, iar fibromul a fost problema. Am luat diferite medicamente prescrise, dar nu am putut să le vindec, dar soțul meu era atât de încrezător în mine și mă tot încuraja că într-o zi cineva mă va numi mamă. nu s-a odihnit căutând o soluție de la diferiți medici, tot ce au putut vedea a fost o intervenție chirurgicală și mi-a fost frică de asta, o prietenă din cabinetul meu mi-a prezentat doctorul DAWN ACUNA, ea a spus că Dawn acuna a ajutat-o ​​când avea tubul blocat și a ajutat-o ​​și ea. multe dintre prietenele ei să conceapă,
I-am scris imediat pe Whatsapp, mi-a promis ca ma ajuta dupa ce i-am explicat totul, mi-a dat niste instructiuni care am facut totul perfect conform instructiunilor, la 3 saptamani dupa tot am fost la spital si doctorul mi-a confirmat sarcina in 1 saptamana dar chiar acum am copilul meu frumos.
*Dacă vrei să tratezi infertilitatea.
*Daca vrei sa ramai insarcinata rapid.
*Dacă vrei să-ți întorci iubitul.
*Dacă vrei o căsătorie pașnică.
*Dacă doriți să tratați boala canceroasă.
Și mulți alții îl contactează pe Dr dawn acuna pe Whatsapp:+2348032246310

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